Pages that are intended to score well in search engine results for certain searches but are neither relevant nor helpful to visitors are known as “doorway pages.” Instead of giving consumers helpful information, they are frequently developed with the intention of influencing search engine results.
A doorway page may be constructed in a variety of methods, including utilizing keyword-rich material that does not benefit users, cloaking (displaying different information to search engines than to users), or diverting people to another website after clicking a search result. These practices are considered spam and practices may result in search engines punishing or de-indexing websites.
Generally speaking, we advise against using gateway pages on your website since they offer nothing of value to your users and may have a detrimental effect on how well your website ranks in search engines.
According to studies, doorway pages may be used to manipulate search engine rankings, but they don’t offer anything useful to users and can hurt their experience. For instance, research in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology found that doorway pages may be used to rig search engine results, but they also detract from user experience and offer little value.
Making a gateway page has long been considered one of the most heinous black-hat SEO tactics. The method black hat SEO gurus employ to enter search engine doors gave rise to the moniker “doorway.”
Background: Leading Pages for SEO
Doorway pages were widespread on websites up until 2015. These were employed to raise the ranking of your website in search results. This strategy employed invisible text that was readable by search engines but not by people. Another tactic used to deceive search engines into improving a website’s SERP position is keyword stuffing.
The SEO definition of cloaking includes a lot of the strategies utilized on gateway pages. They serve as a means of tricking search engines into sending visitors to your website even if they didn’t provide the searcher anything useful.
Google’s Webmaster Guidelines were revised in March 2015 because the landing pages were developed with the purpose of enhancing website’s SERP ranks rather than assisting visitors. Google algorithm modifications in favor of webmaster policy changes now punish website referral sites. Occasionally, this technique has resulted in the blacklisting of whole websites. SEO tactics that were formerly accepted are now harmful to websites.
Doorway pages and landing pages
Unlike landing sites, gateway pages have several keyword variants, connections to related pages, and, in some circumstances, the capacity to divert online viewers to other destinations. In other words, referral sites are used to enhance website traffic while preventing web visitors from going straight to items or finding answers to their inquiries.
Doorway pages come in a variety of styles and frequently resemble landing pages. The only significant distinction between landing pages and doorway pages is the value they offer website visitors. The statement on Google’s of doorway pages includes:
- Create many domain names, subdomains, and websites only for the goal of boosting “search visibility” for keyword or phrase groupings or targeting certain geographic areas.
- Make a lot of “thin content” pages to point website users to helpful areas.
- Producing almost identical sites simply for keywords or certain permutations of keywords that don’t match well-established browser hierarchies and don’t provide anything useful to searchers.
On the other side, landing pages give website visitors precise, pertinent data. They try to give material that supports a searcher’s goal, such as learning something new, purchasing a product, or doing a certain action, but online users do not have to jump through hoops to acquire what they want.
Read also:- Improve your SEO for Natural-Language Search Engine Algorithms
How to Check for Doorway Pages
Google and other search engines consider gateway pages to be another SEO cloaking strategy, thus it’s critical to identify and remove them from your site. Because of the parallels between gateway pages and landing pages, this may be more challenging than it appeared at first.
Because Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Console do not particularly check for gateway sites, you must be able to detect them and remove or update them manually. Keep these three points in mind when you analyze your website’s entryway page:
- Lookalike sites that do not fit into the natural navigational structure of the site’s product/service pages and instead respond to distinct search results for certain keywords. (For instance: wool carpet, white carpet, and wool mix carpet).
- A duplicate page with only the place names changed. Wool carpet installation, for instance, may be done in Cardiff, London, Manchester, etc.
- Pages that are challenging (or impossible) to get through the site’s navigation and exist solely to point users to helpful pages. Allow the user to select the venue by rating it on the booking site).
Update your doorway page to raise your SEO
Once your landing page has been located, you have two alternatives for minimizing the harm it does to your SEO. Remove them totally or alter them to provide more value to your website visitors.
Adding value to searchers entails investing in high-quality material or assisting searchers in achieving their search purpose. If reserving a service location is required, allow it on the doorway page rather than redirecting people to a central booking page. Keeping websites free of SEO cloaking tactics (such as funnel redirection, numerous domain names, invisible content, etc.) designed to trick search engines is another need.
There are several advantages to keeping your website free of spam sites, cloaking tactics, and other black hat SEO strategies. It boosts the trustworthiness of your website, decreases duplicate material, which harms search engine optimization, and attracts people who are interested in what you have to offer.
Legitimate SEO strategies assist in achieving corporate objectives and facilitate the work of search engines. For that reason alone, dealing with gateway pages and other misleading SEO methods on your site is worthwhile.
Doorway pages are a recent example of a black hat SEO approach that may ultimately harm your digital strategy. This may function in Google’s crawlers for some time, but it will ultimately fail. Our external quality raters are human, and they search for websites that fall short of their claims. We are also passionate about finding websites that allow users to accomplish their goals with the fewest number of clicks feasible.